Embarking on the journey of eviction in Prince George’s County, MD, is akin to stepping onto a path lined with legal procedures and tenant rights, each demanding careful attention. This guide aims to walk you through the process, step by step, shedding light on the essential actions and considerations that frame this intricate landscape. From the initial notice to the final handling of a tenant’s belongings, understanding the nuances of eviction can make a significant difference in navigating these waters smoothly.

Eviction Process

Evicting a tenant in Prince George's County, MD, begins with serving a written notice clearly stating the reason, which may include non-payment of rent, lease violation, or lease expiration without renewal. The notice period varies based on the eviction grounds.

If the tenant fails to resolve the issue within the notice period, the landlord files a Complaint and Summons in Rent Court. The court schedules a hearing, and the tenant receives the paperwork, ensuring their awareness of the court date.

During the Rent Court hearing, both parties present their evidence. If the court rules in the landlord's favor, an eviction judgment is granted, but the landlord must then request a Writ of Restitution to allow the sheriff to schedule and carry out the eviction, giving the tenant a final chance to move their belongings.

Throughout the process, both landlords and tenants have rights. Tenants can challenge the eviction at various stages, and landlords must follow each step precisely to avoid invalidating the process. Factors like weather conditions or the tenant's application for emergency rental assistance can also impact the eviction timeline.

Eviction in Prince George's County requires adherence to legal procedures and timelines to ensure fairness for all involved.

An image of a landlord holding legal documents and keys, standing outside a rental property

Post-Judgment Actions

After securing an eviction judgment, the landlord must take steps to reclaim their property while complying with legal procedures and respecting tenants' rights.

  1. Obtaining the Writ of Restitution: The landlord requests this court-issued document authorizing the sheriff's office to schedule the property repossession. Timing varies, so patience and follow-up are important.
  2. Scheduling the Eviction: The landlord contacts the Sheriff's Office to set an eviction date. High eviction case volumes may lead to delays.
  3. Execution Day: The landlord arrives with a moving crew to relocate the tenant's belongings to the nearest public right of way, respecting their property throughout the process.
  4. Handling Tenant's Personal Property: Maryland law requires landlords to store left-behind items for a certain period, allowing the tenant to claim them, and to manage the situation in compliance with the law.
  5. Aftermath Considerations: The landlord must then address cleanup, repairs, and the re-renting process.

By adhering to legal processes, respecting tenants' rights, and exercising due diligence, landlords can navigate post-judgment evictions and focus on future tenancies.

A realistic image depicting a landlord overseeing the eviction process, with movers carrying belongings out of a property, a sheriff present, and the landlord preparing to reclaim their property in Prince George’s County, MD.

Photo by mrgeecee on Unsplash

Bankruptcy Considerations

Tenant bankruptcy during eviction presents challenges for landlords in Prince George's County, MD.

  1. The Automatic Stay: The bankruptcy filing initiates an "automatic stay," halting collection or eviction attempts. Landlords must pause the eviction process unless they have a final court judgment prior to the bankruptcy filing.
  2. Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 aims to liquidate the tenant's assets and may lead to a quicker property exit, but landlords are unlikely to recoup missed rent. Chapter 13 involves a repayment plan, potentially allowing the tenant to catch up on rent arrears, excluding late fees.
  3. Objecting to the Automatic Stay: Landlords can file an objection if they believe the tenant's bankruptcy jeopardizes their property rights. Consulting with a bankruptcy law expert is advisable.

Navigating tenant bankruptcy during eviction requires knowledge of legal rights, adherence to protocol, and the guidance of legal counsel to protect the landlord's interests while respecting the tenant's rights under bankruptcy law.

A realistic image of a courtroom scene with a judge, lawyers, and landlords discussing tenant bankruptcy and eviction proceedings

Tenant’s Right to Redemption

In Prince George's County, MD, a tenant's right to redemption allows them to halt an eviction by paying the owed rent and court costs.

  1. The Tenant's Opportunity: The right to redemption enables the tenant to stop the eviction by settling the debt, including court expenses.
  2. Impact on Landlords: This development can be challenging for landlords who have progressed through the eviction process, but it is a legal reality they must navigate.
  3. Navigating the Redemption Process: Tenants can exercise this right before the sheriff executes the eviction. Landlords should maintain detailed records of notices, payments due, and communications to ensure a smooth process if redemption occurs.
  4. Preparing for Potential Redemption: Understanding the tenant's right to redemption allows landlords to anticipate this scenario and adapt their strategies, from lease crafting to rent reminders and post-eviction notice planning.

By staying informed about the tenant's right to redemption, landlords in Prince George's County can foster timely communication, negotiate settlements, and navigate this legal challenge effectively.

A realistic image depicting a landlord and tenant in a courtroom setting discussing eviction rights

Photo by 2hmedia on Unsplash

Handling Tenant Property

Handling a tenant's personal property post-eviction requires a careful, legally compliant approach in Prince George's County, MD.

  1. Assessing the Situation: Landlords must evaluate the remaining belongings and develop a plan to address them.
  2. Issuing Notice: Maryland law requires landlords to provide tenants with a legally binding notice to collect their belongings within a reasonable timeframe before selling or disposing of them1.
  3. Safeguarding the Goods: Landlords are obligated to store the tenant's belongings safely, which may involve dedicating a secure space and incurring costs as an investment in legal compliance.
  4. Disposal and Sale: If the tenant fails to respond to the notice, Maryland law allows for a sheriff-sanctioned auction of the belongings. Clear documentation and attempts to contact the tenant are essential before selling. Remaining items can be donated or disposed of in accordance with the law.
  5. Legal Consultation: Seeking guidance from a legal expert in property law ensures that landlords navigate this process in compliance with Maryland's regulations.

Dealing with a tenant's belongings post-eviction requires care, legal compliance, and respect, reflecting the landlord's commitment to following the law in Prince George's County, MD.

An image of a landlord carefully storing a tenant's belongings in a barn after an eviction, following the legal process in Prince George's County, MD

Photo by rocinante_11 on Unsplash

In conclusion, the essence of managing an eviction in Prince George’s County, MD, revolves around a thorough adherence to legal protocols and a deep respect for tenant rights. By following the outlined steps with precision and care, landlords can address the challenges of eviction with confidence, ensuring a fair and lawful resolution for all parties involved. Remember, every action taken reflects not just on the immediate situation but also on your integrity and standing within the community.


This article provides an overview of the eviction process in Prince George's County, MD, including the steps involved, the rights of landlords and tenants, and the impact of tenant bankruptcy and redemption rights. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to legal procedures and timelines to ensure fairness for all parties. The article also addresses the handling of a tenant's personal property post-eviction, highlighting the need for a careful, legally compliant approach that reflects the landlord's commitment to following the law.
  1. Maryland Code, Real Property, § 8-401(c)(4)